Clearing the cache can also boost the app’s overall performance and make it function better. If the search bar issue persists, you should clear the app’s cache from your device.
#Social search bar app uninstall install
Go to the App Store or Play Store and install the Facebook app.

Select the “ Uninstall” option from the menu.Touch and hold down the application icon on your phone’s home screen till you feel a vibration or see a menu pop up.Method #1: Delete and Reinstall the Application Here are a few ways you can try to fix the search bar in your application if things go wrong. There is no sure-shot way of fixing the issue as it is a glitch in the software and will not be gone entirely until Facebook itself takes measures to resolve the issue and prevent it from happening again. For example, you may have an outdated version of the application on your phone, your device may be lagging, or a virus may be present. This situation may arise due to multiple reasons. You may have experienced a glitch while using Facebook where the search bar situated on top of the screen suddenly disappears and doesn’t come back even after you shut down and restart the application. Method #5: Check your internet connection.Method #3: Clear Facebook Cache and Data.Method #1: Delete and Reinstall the Application.