Problem that I am facing is that the date parameter in the sql query. 'arn:aws:iam::xxxx:role/houston-fnt-redshift-role')

Here is how I am calling it: call upload_redshift_to_s3('select processsourceeventcreatedatepst, me_date, id1_value, id2_value, id3_value, id4_valueįrom failure_detail where processsourceeventcreatedatepst = '''' and system_id = 5 and failure_type_id = 5', We will look at some of the frequently used options in this article. This command provides many options to format the exported data as well as specifying the schema of the data being exported. You can unload text data in either delimited format or fixed-width format, regardless of the data format that was used to load it. The syntax of the Unload command is as shown below. Reloading unloaded data To unload data from database tables to a set of files in an Amazon S3 bucket, you can use the UNLOAD command with a SELECT statement. You can also filter the data in the select statement and then export your data as required. The primary method natively supports by AWS Redshift is the Unload command to export data. You can simply select the data from Redshift and then provide a valid path to your S3 bucket to migrate data to. Stored Procedure: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE upload_redshift_to_s3(SQLStatement text, s3_path text, iamrole text) Loding data out of Amazon Redshift can be done using UNLOAD command. To create smaller files, include the MAXFILESIZE parameter. For recurring unload operations that do not require the state of the past data to remain intact, then you must use CLEANPATH.Īnd note that you cannot use both ALLOWOVERWRITE and CLEANPATH in the same UNLOAD statement.I am using my UNLOAD statement through a stored procedure to pull data from Redshift. If the unload data is larger than 6.2 GB, UNLOAD creates a new file for each 6.2 GB data segment. Therefore, as says, ALLOWOVERWRITE only overwrites files that share the same names as the incoming file name. In addition, the following PL/pgSQL statements are supported by Amazon Redshift. Amazon Redshift is a fast, scalable, secure, and fully managed cloud data warehouse that makes it simple and cost-effective to analyze all your data using standard SQL and your existing ETL (extract, transform, and load), business intelligence (BI), and reporting tools. For a list of comprehensive SQL commands, see SQL commands. Redshift users can unload data two main ways: Using the SQL UNLOAD command Downloading the query result from a client UNLOAD SQL The most convenient way of unloading data from Redshift is by using the UNLOAD command in a SQL IDE. You can't specify the `CLEANPATH` option if you specify the `ALLOWOVERWRITE` option. Most SQL commands can be used, including data manipulation language (DML) such as COPY, UNLOAD, and INSERT, and data definition language (DDL) such as CREATE TABLE. Files that you remove by using the `CLEANPATH` option are permanently deleted and can't be recovered. For information, see Policies and Permissions in Amazon S3 in the Amazon Simple Storage Service Console User Guide. You must have the s3:DeleteObject permission on the Amazon S3 bucket. If you include the PARTITION BY clause, existing files are removed only from the partition folders to receive new files generated by the UNLOAD operation. The CLEANPATH option removes existing files located in the Amazon S3 path specified in the TO clause before unloading files to the specified location. If ALLOWOVERWRITE is specified, UNLOAD overwrites existing files, including the manifest file. Note the difference, from the documentation (Perhaps AWS could clear this up a bit more): ALLOWOVERWRITEīy default, UNLOAD fails if it finds files that it would possibly overwrite. To prevent redundant data, you must use Redshift's CLEANPATH option in your UNLOAD statement.