The Hurricane brings high amounts of area of effect and respectable single target damage, helping you and your team dealing with the swarms.What Fragmentation Missiles + Elephant Rounds Excels in? This will let you be able to deal with bigger enemies, rounding up this build for any situation. The Bulldog will be your single target with Elephant Rounds, you’ll be able to deal massive amounts of damage to weak spots. With this spec, the Hurricane becomes your wave clear, as you’ll be using the increased area of effect of the explosions to kill anything that moves the wrong way. This build features the “Hurricane” Guided Rocket System and the “Bulldog” Heavy Revolver. Mowing down through waves of Glyphids and Mactera? Shooting guided missiles that make the most satisfying sound when they hit something? Being a total badass? Then this build is for you. If you don’t have the overclocks listed here, don’t fret! You can always experiment with other overclocks and find success! If you don’t have any overclocks, the weapons are still fantastic, and you’ll be able to unlock overclocks as you play the game. Every build you can come up with works to an extent, and they’re very dependent on your playstyle and preferences. Finally, it’s the only class that brings an area shield, moving bugs away and creating a protective area where projectiles can’t come in while regenerating shields for everyone inside. The Gunner can create permanent ziplines for him and his team to use, making hazardous terrain less straining to traverse. He also brings respectable area of effect, making him useful in every type of mission.

The Gunner brings some of the highest single target damage in the game, making him a prime candidate for Elimination missions. This class shines when there are bugs to kill, since that’s his primary role! He won’t stop until everything is dead. You can describe him as a DPS Tank Medic class. What are some of the most effective and fun builds in Deep Rock Galactic?