
Battle fleet tyranid
Battle fleet tyranid

We gave the first game an 80, and I wonder if Armada 2 can do even better when it launches on January 24. There are elements of the tabletop game that I’d like to see represented-galactic phenomena, gravity wells, and so on-but it’s a solid space RTS at a time when those are in short supply. The Angels Excelsis Chapter fell to the last man in Baal’s defence, the excommunicated Knights of Blood returned to lend a hand, and a whopping five Chapter Masters gave their lives to fight the Tyranid bio-horrors. In a galaxy of dodgy Warhammer 40,000 games, the Battlefleet games really stand out. Nothing was going to keep the Tyranids from their supper. When space squids clash with Imperial floating cathedrals, things get hectic. I was thankful for the pause button at points.

battle fleet tyranid battle fleet tyranid

It gets complicated when there are a lot of ships involved, and certain matchups can be very challenging. Most of the game is about picking targets and focusing them down with the right weapons. Every ship has a sensible autopilot mode that does a lot of the manoeuvring. The UI makes the game look a lot more complicated than it really is. I haven’t had chance to experiment with the Necrons yet, but the Imperial ships behave much as they did in the first game. In addition to the Tyranid campaign, you can also play as the Imperium and the Necrons (near-immortal regenerating robots).

battle fleet tyranid

The prologue mission is particularly heavy on spectacle, and overall the game does a great job of evoking the scale and pomp of the setting within the confines of the battlefields. When the game launches this will be the first Detachment the Tyranids will have access to. The campaigns look like sandboxes, but there’s plenty of story packed into between-mission chats and the occasional cutscene. We’re going to start off with a quick throwback of the Hyper-Adaptations from the Invasion Fleet Detachment.

Battle fleet tyranid